20-22 Court St, Hackensack, NJ 07601, USA
20-22 Court St, Hackensack, NJ 07601, USA- 12052 sq ft
- Price per sqft: $216
- Date added: Added 3 months ago
- Area, sq ft: 12052 sq ft
- Year built: 1986
Positioned on a primary street, directly across from the Court House and City Hall, this 4 Story Office Building is a dream for both Investors and Owner/Users.
Truly a must see, well maintained facility. The exterior consisting of a beautiful window wall at the primary stair egress, with brick façade, and a clean and spacious interior with a passenger elevator, beautiful offices, conference rooms, pantry, etc on each of the main floors, this property is indeed a must see!
Do not miss the opportunity to own a property such as this within the Downtown Hackensack area!- High traffic area (both car and foot traffic)
- Close to major highways (Rt 4, 17, etc)
- Close to City Hall
- One block from Main Street
Space Availability
Space Size Space Use Condition Available 1st Floor 1,200 SF Retail Shell Space Now Former Bank Branch, close to court house, lots of onsite parking. Next to new mixed use apartment building with new retail stores including, Bad Ass Coffee Lots of opportunities can be brought here.